Grading  System

In order to receive a certificate from this program, the student must maintain a 75% grade point average and attend all instructional classes (except for reasons listed above). Grades are based on written, verbal and practical tests. The student must intern at a very minimum of 100 hours AND have 75% of the clinical requirements completed in order to pass the class. Ultimately, it will be left to the director and staff’s discretion whether or not the student is ready to graduate and therefore receive his/her certificate.

Progress  Reports

Student progress is continuously reviewed by the instructors throughout the course of the program. Averages are available to the students at nearly any point during the course. Extra credit opportunities are also available. Practical evaluations are given during the middle and end of the course. Practical evaluations are done one on one with the instructor and/or Dr. McKelvey.

Student Conduct Policy

All students are expected to act maturely and are required to respect other students and instructors. They are also expected to carry this respect into the offices in which they intern/extern. Possession of weapons, illegal drugs, and alcohol of any kind are not allowed at any time on school property or in any dental office. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Cheating will not be tolerated. Rules and regulations will be discussed in detail on the first day of class. Violation of any of our school policies may result in permanent dismissal from the school.

Students are expected to act and dress professionally at all times. This includes during school hours and during the internship/externship in the dental office. Students must adhere to the highest hygiene practices, and be respectful of the office policies in which the intern/extern. Any violations of these policies may result in dismissal.


Any student may be dismissed for violations of school policies. A student also may be dismissed from classes if he/she does not prepare sufficiently, neglects assignments, neglects the internship/externship, or makes unsatisfactory progress. Dr. Maggie McKelvey, after consultation with both the instructors and the student, makes the final decision.

If a student misses the first day of class for ANY reason, he/she will be forced to withdraw and will be allowed to reapply during the next program.

A student dismissed for violating school conduct polices will not be allowed to reapply, and will be refunded according to the table below.